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     ★公司成立于1990年,主要生产通用汽油机零部件以及汽车零部件,占地面积 39600平方米,建筑面积约18000平方米,拥有固定资产3000万元,机械设备600台套,员工近500人。 Chongqing Zhenjian Internal Combustion Engine Parts Manufacture Co., Ltd, which is specialized in manufacturing Gasoline Engine Parts and Automobile Parts, founded in 1990. The whole company covers an area of 39600 square meters with building about 11000 square meters, 30 million fixed assets, 600 series equipments and about 500 employees.  

     ★1998年公司生产的消声器防护网罩开始出口美国B&S公司,同年10月生产的气门挺柱销往日本三菱重工。 In 1998, our product - Muffler Guard - were shipped to B&S company in the U.S.A; October the same year, product - Valve Tappet - were shipped to MHI company in Japan.  ★2001年消声器防护网罩销往日本DBS公司。 In 2001, product - Wire Guard - were shipped to DBS company in Japan.  ★2005年公司通过了ISO9001和QS9000质量体系认证。 In 2005, our company obtained the ISO9001 and QS9000 Quality system Certification.


   ★2006年进入汽车制造行业,为天纳克公司提供消声器挂钩。同年获得了天纳克公司颁发的优秀供应商奖牌。 In 2006, we get into Automobile Industry - supply muffler hangers to Tenneco company. At the same year, we obtained the medal of "excellent supplier" awarded by Tenneco.  ★2007年先后迎接了海尔集团、法国佛吉亚、美国阿文美驰等国际知名企业的考察,并逐步达成了合作意愿,现已签订了采购合同成为了正式供应商。 In 2007, we passed the audit of some world-famous enterprises successively such as Haier, Faurecia and Arvinmertor; meanwhile, we gradually reached cooperation willing with each other and now, we had signed purchase contrast and become their official supplier.      ★同年,公司投入300余万元建立的全自动热处理流水线已于6月份完工并投入生产。7月公司顺利通过了TS16949质量体系认证。 At the same year, our company put over 3 million into full automatic heat treatment production line, which finished and started operation in June. In July, we obtained the TS16949 Quality System Certification.  

     ★2008年,通过菲亚特公司的考核。现在,已经正式向其在上海的子公司马瑞利(上海)公司提供汽车产品。 In 2008, we passed the audit of the FIAT. Now, we are supplying Automobile Parts for its subsidiary company - Magneti Marelli (Shanghai) Company.  ★2009年,通过了ABB公司与科勒公司的考核。现在, 我们已经成为他们的正式供应商。 In 2009, we passed the audit of the ABB and Kohler. Now, We are their official supplier.

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